
CinQ is an enterprise-wide leadership & high-performance teamwork video game designed to prepare leaders and teams with the digital skills and mindset to operate in a “world in beta”.

CinQ - Known Bugs
Major Issues Voice chat functionality has temporarily been removed from CinQ and is being reworked. This functionality will be restored at some point in ...
Sat, 2 Apr, 2022 at 12:25 PM
Upcoming Features
The following features are planned to be added to CinQ in future updates. They are not in any specific order, and may be subject to changes throughout testi...
Sat, 2 Apr, 2022 at 12:21 PM
CinQ System Requirements
These are the minimum system requirements to run CinQ on a computer. They will be updated regularly based on user feedback and our own testing. If you want...
Sat, 2 Apr, 2022 at 12:32 PM
CinQ Changelog
This is a detailed list of changes and issues fixed in the CinQ software over time. For a list of all remaining known issues, please click here. 25/07/20...
Fri, 20 Dec, 2019 at 4:39 PM